How Domino’s Pizza Changed the Culture of the Company
Domino is a game of skill and chance. Like playing cards, dominoes are marked on one side with a pattern of dots or pips that indicate their identity; the other sides are blank or identically patterned. The pieces are usually rectangular but can be round or square as well. They can also be made from wood or clay. Dominoes have a long history, but the first widely known version appeared in France around 1750. The word itself may come from the French for “dominant” or from an earlier sense that referred to a black garment worn together with a white surplice in the fashion of a priest’s hooded cape.
While domino has many uses, its primary use is as a building block for games of skill and chance. There are countless ways to play with the pieces, and different games call for different strategies. Some require blocking opponent’s play; others involve scoring points or determining how many of the pips are in a winning hand. There are even domino variants that are adaptations of card games, which were once popular in some regions to circumvent religious proscriptions against playing cards.
When Domino’s leadership team recognized the need for change, they re-vamped their corporate structure to focus on the importance of listening to employees. This meant implementing new policies and training programs to give leaders the authority they needed to make decisions quickly and decisively.
The company also focused on embracing technology to improve the customer experience. Using data analytics, Domino’s has developed new ways for customers to order pizzas, including using text messaging and Amazon Echo devices. The company has been able to implement these changes without losing any of their core values or losing sight of what they stand for as a business.
In Domino’s culture, the idea of being a leader is less about standing out from the crowd than it is about being an effective communicator and motivator. The culture in Domino’s restaurants reflects this concept, with managers encouraged to communicate directly with their teams and take into account input from the employees when making important decisions. This approach has resulted in a more engaged workforce and increased revenue for the company.
Hevesh creates mind-blowing domino setups that require thousands of pieces and can take several nail-biting minutes to fall. She follows a variation of an engineering-design process to develop her intricate designs. She starts by thinking about the theme or purpose of the installation. Then, she brainstorms images and words that might relate to the topic.
When a domino falls, much of its potential energy converts to kinetic energy, which gives the next domino the push it needs to fall. This energy is transmitted from domino to domino, until the entire chain has fallen.